Welcome to the North Central Regional Association of Assessing Officers (NCRAAO)
NCRAAO is a volunteer organization dedicated to assessment education and professionalism. The purpose of the Association is to organize an Annual Conference on Assessment Administration.
It shall be the further purpose of this Association to improve the standards of assessment practice by providing a means of education for the association members through collective expression on all matters pertaining to property tax assessment, especially in the member States.
NCRAAO is an affiliate member and works closely with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) to achieve these objectives.
Annual Conference
The NCRAA Annual Conference provides an opportunity to learn new skills, network, review new software, and share experiences that will enhance appraisal practices. Our next conference will be held in Manhanttan, Kansas, from June 15 through June 19. Past Conferences have been held throughout the north-central region. The first NCRAAO was held in Wisconsin in 1976.
Member States
NCRAAO provides an avenue for education and professional development. The organization consists of eleven states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The states are homogeneous as all are part of the north-central prairie section of the United States of America and have multiple rural jurisdictions.
Education Development
NCRAAO is an association that was originally developed to give assessors a regional means of networking together as well as providing education at the annual conferences.
The education is geared toward issues that affect the region such as grain elevators, wind farms, ethanol plants, issues affecting small jurisdictions, etc.
NCRAAO has developed this website to provide assessment-related information to its members and the public.