Conference Planning Guide – Committee Selection


These are some of the normal committees associated with a conference. You may need to add a special committee for your event, and in some cases, you may be able to combine some committees or their duties. Below are some thoughts about the selection of members.

  1. Make sure committee members know what is expected of them and their committee.
  2. Try not to have the same people on too many committees. If a person chooses to serve on more than one committee, make sure they understand they must be willing to put in extra time and work effort.
  3. Only appoint volunteers. You can force people on a committee, but you can’t force them to work with the committee.
  4. Each committee should have a chairperson, who reports directly to you, and that all others report to. This will leave fewer people the President must contact on a regular basis.


A.  This is a short-term committee whose job is done as soon as the site is selected.

B.  Generally this committee is composed of the Directors from the state holding the conference.


A.  This is a small committee and it might be just the President. This committee needs to open an account that can be used to deposit registration income and pay the bills.

1.   NCRAAO Policy 17 says, “All conference finances shall utilize a financial institution account set up for the sole purpose of NCRAAO Conference business. No money received related to the Conference shall be held in cash for an extended period nor be placed in a private financial institution account.”

B.  It is necessary for the President to keep a constant eye on the finances, constantly analyzing the budget and revising details as needed.


A.  Usually someone on the Finance Committee may be part of this committee to handle the registration fees.

B.  This committee will be in charge of pre-conference registrations as well as the registration desk at the conference.

C.  This committee usually handles all the jobs associated with the registration desk.

1.   Contact person for attendees regarding hotel rates and contact numbers.

2.  Contact person for attendees regarding the registration fee schedule.

3.  Name badges

4.  Receipts

5.  Organizing the welcome bags to be given out

6.  Organization of handout materials for the registration desk (Conference Program)

7.  Keeps track of meal tickets out, so President can give estimated counts to the catering staff

8.  Keeps track of special guests and associate members that have registered, so the President can recognize them at the banquet or other special time.

9.  Operate registration desk during the conference.

D. This committee begins early in the process and runs throughout the conference.


A. This committee will assist the President in selecting topics for the educational sessions of the conference.

B. This committee will assist in selecting speakers and other participants for the opening ceremony.

1.  Welcome address by local dignitaries

2. Presentation of the flag

3. Invocation

C. The committee will assist in finding and confirming the instructors for the different educational sessions.

D. The committee will line up any equipment needed for the educational sessions.

1.  Computer

2. Microphone

3. Overhead Projector

4. Video Screen

5. Possible handouts

E. There should be a committee member assigned to each room to assist the speaker with equipment and room setup and to introduce the speaker.

F. There should be committee members assigned to each room during the sessions, to assist with any unforeseen problems.

G. This committee needs to find session monitors that are available to stamp educational credit sheets after the session has ended.


A. This committee assists the President in lining up events not included in the educational sessions.

1.  Monday Night events

2. Banquet entertainment

3. Silent Auction (This could be a special committee.)

4. Entertainment or speaker for the opening session.

5. Companion Tour


It is wise to have a special committee for the banquet, even if it is only one person, as this is one of the most difficult and detailed events of the conference. The duties of this committee are discussed in more detail in the Banquet Section of this guide.


Since NCRAAO has a separate Hospitality Committee, this committee might be just one person.  This person will assist the Hospitality Committee with a list of local vendors, make contact with the hotel personnel regarding room arrangements and setup, policies, and costs regarding food and drink. This person will also be responsible for contacting the local Chamber of Commerce for information needed.